Monday, July 18, 2011

My 100th Post!!! Plus, Adding QR Code to Your Blog

I was deleting some old drafts of posts I had started writing but never published and realized this makes post 100! I know it is extremely insignificant to some people, but you know how Kindergarten teachers like to celebrate all things 100! :)
So, this led me to looking around for something new to add to my blog. I decided it was time to add some QR code for smart phone readers.

This is where I started.
What is a QR code?
Install your own QR code

I checked mine out using my Droid when I finished installing it. I downloaded the free app Barcode Scanner by Team ZXing on my phone and then scanned the code to see if it worked. Guess what? IT DID!!! It is kind of fun to see what your blog looks like on mobile readers.

I think I'm going to add the code to my newsletters and other print information for parents so they can scan the code and have access to lots more information at our classroom blog. Does anyone else use this for print materials in the classroom?

What do you think? (I did use PhotoShop to fancy up my QR code button for the sidebar on my blog.) Everything looks better with a cutesy little border! :)


  1. This is GREAT, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get a "button" for my blog. I love the header that you did for me. Thanx

  2. I don't have a smart phone - but I really want one. Now, after seeing this, I reeaaally want one!
    Spotlight on Kindergarten

  3. Thanks for sharing. Yes, I use QR codes in my classroom for those parents who have smart phones. I put our QR code on the Parent FAQ that is handed out at orientation and on the newsletter and other important notes.


  4. HI- I am just learning about QR codes in Kindergarten. I teach a high needs special education classroom for k-2. Some of my friends are readers and some are still geting there. Do you have any ideas as to how we could use these in a classroom like mine?

    Thanks for all of your help. I love your blog and it inspisres me whenever I check it!

