Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nursery Rhymes in Kindergarten

One of the top three searches that lead people to my blog is Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Printables. Since I'm getting ready to create several Nursery Rhyme notebooks for my students to use to read to themselves and others, I thought I'd pass on some links that might be useful to other teachers, as well. I decided not to limit it to printables, but include several links to things that might be beneficial to you.

First off, you have to have Jack Hartmann's Rhyming To Read CD. My students and I love his songs and this is a great CD. You can listen to audio clips on his site, too.

Online Games
SMART Board Lessons
Nursery Rhyme Products
For Students Needing Help with Rhyming
If you have any suggestions or other great resources I'd love to hear about them!


  1. Thanks for the great resources and ideas! I also teach kindergarten and of course we do a unit on nursery rhymes:) Have you ever used the website I have a smartboard and we go to that site and they have animated nursery rhymes and games to go with each one. It is a great site for phonics too!

  2. That's a fun way to learn and I salute your effort for your students. If you need any tips in handling the kids, you can visit us at
