Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I've decided not to leave my 'baby' blog after all! ;)

I know this won't surprise many of you if you've been a reader of my blog for very long, but I don't feel like I can leave my 'baby' blog here at Lil' Country Kindergarten. I couldn't stand the thought of her just being out there all alone on the big ol' world wide web with no one to tend to her. Crazy, I know!

Chalk it up to being a woman and changing my mind as frequently as I breathe, I don't mind. ;)

You might have noticed that I've changed a few things to reflect my new name, Lil' Country Librarian. I have tried to update as many links as I can and I'm currently working on getting a custom domain name so my blog address will match my new name.  I can't just change it to a new blogspot address without messing up all of my previous links. Also, I don't want Pinterest users to be in a tizzy because I've caused a zillion invalid links. (Been there, done that with deleted posts!)

I hope you don't mind that I have deleted my other blog to come back 'home'. ;) Please forgive me!

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  1. congratulations & good luck with your transition!! :):)

    Kimberlee @ iTeach 5th

  2. Hi Marlana, just found your blog. You just got my dream job. Always wanted to be a Media Specialist. Would love to have you stop by my blog. I'm a new follower.
    Primary Paradise
