Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Election Day and the Voting Process Mini Unit and a FREEBIE!

I'm pretty sure with all the political posts, ads, commercials, posters, signs, talk, etc. that I should have probably titled this post Check out These Adorable Puppies and Scrumptious Chocolate Cupcakes or something if I truly wanted to catch your attention. :) However, if you're still reading, be sure to check out the new mini unit I just posted on TpT for the upcoming Election Day in November. Our entire school will be taking part in a mock election, so I created this mini unit to help teach and reinforce the voting process, along with staying true to our theme using cross-curricular activities. Click on the picture below to take you to my TpT store!

Included in this unit:
I Will Vote, Will You? Song (color and black/white)
Voting on Election Day Retelling Wheel
My Box Book of Election Day
I Voted! Headband
I Voted! Bracelets/Wristbands
Would you like to be the President? Analyzing Class Results
Would you like to be the President? Header and Graphing
Election Day Spin and Graph
Skip Counting by 10's

I also have a math freebie available for you! Just click on the picture below to download your copy!

I've also started a new Election Day board on Pinterest. Here's a pin that I plan to use. It's a video from Scholastic that is only a little over two minutes long and stays unbiased enough to just present a few facts to students so they can get to know the Presidential candidates before our election.


  1. Marlana,

    Thanks for the freebie and I love the election unit.

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. Thank you Marlana! I love your freebie and your election unit looks great! :)
    Crayons and Curls
