
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Can you guess which product of mine is most wishlisted by TpT buyers?

I just joined the linky party at Classroom Confections to post my most wishlisted product on TpT.

Can you guess what it is? 

Wait! Before you guess...I want to let you know that I have discounted this product to only $1.00 through July 1! It would be a great addition to your back to school resources! So, clear it from your wishlist and grab it quickly! ;) 

Friday, June 28, 2013

{FREEBIE} Making Lemonade: Comparing Numbers and Quantities & Sweet Summertime Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to Cherie and Laura! You are the winners of my Sweet Summertime $25 MPM School Supplies gift card giveaway.

However, everyone's a winner with a 10% discount code to use at MPM School Supplies! Just click on the following link and do a little back to school shopping this week! The discount code expires one week from today.

I also wanted to share a math station freebie I made yesterday for everyone. It is called Making Lemonade: Comparing Numbers and Quantities. Click here or on the picture below to download your copy. I hope you like it!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Another option to follow my blog using Feedly!

follow us in feedly
After using Bloglovin' and Feedly for almost a month now. I have found that I truly feel like Feedly is the best fit for me for reading blogs. It allows me to read blog posts quickly and easily without having to click over to a blog to read an entire post. I also love having the ability to tag posts to help keep me organized. Plus, there are lots of other great features, too. I thought I'd be sure to post my 'follow' button in case you like Feedly, too!

***I didn't even think about adding a link to build your own button. You can do it here. ;) 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Be sure to follow my blog with Bloglovin'!

I'm still in denial that Google Reader is going away July 1st, but I am slowly but surely getting use to Bloglovin' and Feedly.  If you'd like to keep up with my blog, please follow me with Bloglovin'. While you're at it, be sure to go like my new Facebook page, Lil' Country Librarian. My old Facebook page just got merged with my new one!  :)Yay!

Follow on Bloglovin

You can also follow my blog via NetworkedBlogs on Facebook. Links to my blog posts will show up in your News Feed so you will know when I have recently posted. You can view the widget by scrolling down the right sidebar of my page.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I've decided not to leave my 'baby' blog after all! ;)

I know this won't surprise many of you if you've been a reader of my blog for very long, but I don't feel like I can leave my 'baby' blog here at Lil' Country Kindergarten. I couldn't stand the thought of her just being out there all alone on the big ol' world wide web with no one to tend to her. Crazy, I know!

Chalk it up to being a woman and changing my mind as frequently as I breathe, I don't mind. ;)

You might have noticed that I've changed a few things to reflect my new name, Lil' Country Librarian. I have tried to update as many links as I can and I'm currently working on getting a custom domain name so my blog address will match my new name.  I can't just change it to a new blogspot address without messing up all of my previous links. Also, I don't want Pinterest users to be in a tizzy because I've caused a zillion invalid links. (Been there, done that with deleted posts!)

I hope you don't mind that I have deleted my other blog to come back 'home'. ;) Please forgive me!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin