I have a created a few resources to go along with ELA and Math that still incorporate zoo animals into Shared Reading and Math Work Stations. Be sure to check them out in the next few days while they are on sale! Click on the pictures below to take you to my TpT store. They would also go great with my zoo animal hundreds charts like the lion and monkey!
Reg. price - $2.00...on sale for $1.70* |
Reg. price $1.50...on sale for $1.28* |
*On sale through Tuesday, April 30, 2013.
I love your animals unit. I don't currently do a zoo animals unit, but I would love to loop it into my farm unit at the beginning of the year! I'll see you on TPT!
Bright Bulldogs
Thank you so much, Kirstin! You should integrate both if you have time. My kids LOVE zoo animals and they retain so much of the knowledge they learn about each animal. It's lots of fun!
Lil' Country Kindergarten